If any of you out there are wondering where Andrew and I are, it is important for you to know that we are wondering the same thing.
We arrived at Zamorano last night at around 9 PM, and Andrew's principal showed us to our new apartment, which includes a furnished bedroom, kitchen, and bathroom with a hot shower. When we woke up this morning, we had a chance to get our bearings. We looked out of our front door and saw this:

(Well, we didn't see EXACTLY this, because I took this picture off of the internet after we realized that we had lost our camera cord, but it's pretty much what we saw.)
We are about 35 kilometers outside of Tegucigalpa, and it does not feel like I had imagined it would. Instead, it feels like... a really nice college campus that just happens to be in Honduras and has less drunk, puking freshmen (due to the excessively strict rules for the students, such as the ONE hour of free time allowed each day from 8-9 PM). The campus is beautiful- all the buildings are made of white stone- and the area is totally safe to wander around in thanks to the awesome campus security. Andrew's school is quaint and perfect, with a staff that seems incredible so far, and I might even have some great opportunities to teach ESL to the parents, teach a class to the students' mothers on nutrition or computer skills (in Spanish!), volunteer playing with kids at a local orphanage, and sub every once in awhile when a teacher can't teach a class.
I know it sounds pretty terrible to be where we are. To top it off, we have to look at these hideous fields and mountains every time we want to go for a walk:
And, finally, the clincher: if we get too hot in this wretched climate with a yearly average of 70 degrees, we are forced to go swimming here to cool down:

So this is where we are, if you can believe it. Where are all of you? Send us emails and Skype us, because we miss you.
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