Or, "The Periodically Updated Updates On Life In Guatemala, Mexico, Honduras,
And Other Places Arguably Even Stranger Than New Orleans"

Tuesday 26 October 2010

Tortillas, Beans, and Tortillas.

Today is Tuesday, which means only one thing: TACO TUESDAY. (Unfortunately, this deal applies only if you´re in the US) However, it got me thinking about food. Here´s the rundown of some tasty (and other not-so-tasty) Guatemalan dishes:
Black Beans are delicious and/or nutritious. Unfortunately, the above portion is used to feed approximately 18 Guatemalans.

This interesting little guy is a wild plant called Pacaya. It looks like an alien, and tastes like one, too. I´m starting to totally dig it.

A stack of hot, fresh, totally delicous torillas. Free with every purchase of one (1) Guatemalan woman. Some restrictions apply.

Coffee is delicious, and (unfortunately for the Guatemalan economy) dirt cheap. Even my 3-year old host brother drinks it.

Chicken (or meat, for that matter) is usually only eaten on special occasions. Nothing says, ¨I´m a kick-butt lady´´ than snapping your pet chicken´s neck with your bare hands and serving it up in a bowl. Includes a few flavor-enhancing feathers in every dish.

No Joke: When we were in Xela (´´Guatemala´s Second-Most Important City´´), the McDonalds was absolutely packed with people. At 10 P.M.

Pinapples have become a staple in our diet. I even know the ancient Mayan secret for how to tell if your piña is good or not. But I´m not telling.
Guatemalan potato chips are awesome. Probably because of the MSG.

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