Or, "The Periodically Updated Updates On Life In Guatemala, Mexico, Honduras,
And Other Places Arguably Even Stranger Than New Orleans"

Sunday, 27 March 2011

On Living a Slow Life

Pros and Cons of Living in Rural Honduras


1. There's really no way to convince yourself NOT to be active. If you have free time, which you do when you live in rural Honduras, there are generally 6 activities that are available.
a. Running/walking around (by yourself or with your new street dog)
b. Playing tennis
c. Looking at the internet (although in "real" rural Honduras you wouldn't be able to do this)
d. Reading
e. Drinking (possibly at the nearby restaurant, Chicken Drive)
f. Playing the guitar
Now, looking at the odds, there's a 33% chance that, at any given moment in your free time, you will either be running/walking or playing tennis. And that is why Andrew and I are becoming such beautiful specimens (see reason #1 in CONS list for why this may or may not be true).

2. Things are pur-ty. See photo.

3. There's lots of time to think. You can think about anything, really:
-what's happening in the news
-what's happening on American Idol
-who's going to win American Idol, and whether or not you're going to win the bet you made with your hubby
-how your dog might be a genius for learning how to sit
-whether or not you should let your dog come on the bed
-what's your favorite number out of 18 or 81
-what's your favorite color combination
-why we call football "football" instead of calling soccer "football"
-how it is so great that you have time to think
-which kind of cheese you will get the next time you go to the supermarket

Which leads me to.......


1. When you live on the campus of an agriculture university, you can be sure that you won't be missing dairy products. Our current favorite is Queso Crema with jalapenos. The yogurt and ice cream is delicious. And the chocolate milk isn't bad either. Although #1 could easily find its way into the "Pros" list, it's down here with the "Cons" because, despite all these scrumptious dairy products, we both may have some sort of slight intolerance for dairy.

2. There's lots of time to think. You can think about anything, like:
-how you will ever get rid or your dog's bugs
-all the bad things happening in the news
-greedy rich people
-evil giant fleas taking over the world
-evil dictators
-how to determine which people around you are communists

Okay, well, maybe I don't really think about that last one.

I'd write more, but I have to scurry back to my hurried rural Honduran life.

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