Or, "The Periodically Updated Updates On Life In Guatemala, Mexico, Honduras,
And Other Places Arguably Even Stranger Than New Orleans"

Monday, 29 November 2010

More Belize

Upon uploading the photos on my camera, I realized I had way more Belize stuff to talk about (Laura sometimes hassles me about how many photos I take, but I think this is a good example of my totally horrible memory and why I need to document everything)

K-Dogg takes one for the team and finishes Laura`s
Seaweed Shake.Also, K-Dogg takes one for the team
and grows a mustache.
 Belize is pretty unreal. In fact, if you took a bunch of 7 year olds and said, ``Here`s some money. You and your friends go make a country,`` they would probably end up with something closely resembling Belize. The streets are named adorable little things like ``Hummingbird Highway`` or ``Old Wife Street``. The food is usually some combination of coconuts, fruit, seaweed, and chicken. And people talk with these preshus-weshus little accents. Example: ``Hah Fah Yah Gwin?`` (say it!) is ``How far are you going?``

Belize`s Wikipedia page is about
as ironic as they come
English?! And how that so? Well, Belize was part of the British Empire for like, forever. Even now, they are technically ``Independent`` but they still have Queen Elizabeth the Second on their money. But all this Anglophilism isn`t winning them over with their neighbors. Guatemala still, at least officially, believes Belize is a stolen part of Guatemala, and none of the other Central American countries seem to like it all that much, either.

All of this means, of course, that white tourists love Belize! It`s clean, comfortable, and without all that sadness-inducing poverty. Your white-gloved waiter will gladly bring you another piƱa colada with a warm smile, unlike that shady guy in Guatemala who lifted your wallet, or the Maya lady who totally scowled when you took her picture/soul.

 Speaking of obnoxious, money-wasting, totally-lovin`-it tourists, we totally were them. We sat on the beach, all day. We were barefoot the whole time. We drank seaweed shakes, and 2/3 of us liked them. We watched the sun set. Then the moon rise. We snorkled. We read. We made up a sport called Aquatic Coconut Ball and had a blast. He had Traveler`s Sickness, which is a classy name for The Runs. But is there any better place to have it?



  1. Dang! Who has a better life than you?

  2. So basically, you are saying if Guatemala had its way, the flag of Belize would feature a mushroom cloud like I thought it already did when I first glanced at it without my glasses? Can you transport nuclear weapons by donkey?
