This morning, Essa, our beloved street dog, had her second seizure since we've known her. As traumatic as it is for me to watch her seize, at least I knew what was going on this time. This afternoon, she's back to her normal self, staring out the window at guatusas.
Fortunately, one of Andrew's students has a solution to Essa's seizure problem. After Andrew told his kids that Essa had a seizure today, he participated in the following dialogue with one of his students:
Student: "Give it coffee!"
Andrew: "Huh?"
Student: "Coffee. My neighbor's dog had seizures and they gave it coffee."
Andrew: "Really?"
Student: "Yes, but with agua pura. And NO SUGAR!"
So there you have it. The coffee solution. Keep in mind, we live in a place where 3 year-olds drink coffee (although it's usually rather weak NesCafe).