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And Other Places Arguably Even Stranger Than New Orleans"

Friday, 23 March 2012

Coffee Cure

This morning, Essa, our beloved street dog, had her second seizure since we've known her. As traumatic as it is for me to watch her seize, at least I knew what was going on this time. This afternoon, she's back to her normal self, staring out the window at guatusas.

Fortunately, one of Andrew's students has a solution to Essa's seizure problem. After Andrew told his kids that Essa had a seizure today, he participated in the following dialogue with one of his students:

Student: "Give it coffee!"
Andrew: "Huh?"
Student: "Coffee. My neighbor's dog had seizures and they gave it coffee."
Andrew: "Really?"
Student: "Yes, but with agua pura. And NO SUGAR!"

So there you have it. The coffee solution. Keep in mind, we live in a place where 3 year-olds drink coffee (although it's usually rather weak NesCafe).